Friday, February 1, 2008

The End and the Beginning

It's February 1 - Wear Red for Heart Day, and one month since my aortic valve replacement surgery! One month ago today I ate orange jello, had a glass of New Year's Champagne (the one I couldn't have when I work up from surgery on New Year's Eve), and walked down the hall from the ICU to the cardiac step-down room that was my home for the next 5 days.
Today, I'm showered, dressed, and ready to go outside and DRIVE (my first driving day!) and run a few errands. My incision is healed well on the top, with just about an inch and a half of scab left on the lower portion. The "X"s from the tubes have healed over. My chest is still sore, also my right arm (especially if I try to get my arms up over my head), but time and more inner healing will take care of that. I can hear my valve ticking from time to time, sharply if I take in a very deep breath and hold it; that heart is strong. Xena is still fascinated with the ticking and perches on my chest to purr each night.
I go to sleep sitting up, but end up sliding down to reclining by morning. On my side is still uncomfortable
I've been working at my curriculum job; hours on the computer and phone (probably not great for the arm!), but can officially go back to my CLASSROOM on February 11.
Alpha and Omega. Beginning and End. No more do I have to go to every-three-month echocardiograms, and have the cardiologist ask me, worriedly, "Are you SURE you're feeling OK?" No more do I have to wonder if I'll be able to make an upcoming event, because I might have to go have the surgery. No more do I listen to my heart thud and swoosh at night, and wonder "when"? End of the old valve; beginning of the new. Now my heart ticks crisply. It actually works better, I am told, than many hearts my age with their original parts! When I can hear it I am amazed and thankful at being here, being alive. What a gift, to be aware of one's life! It's the beginning of a whole new era for me; one of not having to worry about an always-impending surgery, of feeling always like a miracle. It's a new era of gratefulness, appreciation and hope.
I'll end my heart surgery blog here - at the beginning of my new life. Thank you for your support, your prayers, your interest and for following along with me. I'll post a few photos yet, and then move on. My heart (!) goes out to you all, and God bless you!

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