Friday, January 4, 2008

Almost Done....Rarin' To Go!

Last night was rough - my heart was beating faster, and I absolutely could not sleep - plus I had to have blood drawn like 3 times over night!! (They are trying to get my Warfarin level up so that I can go home, but because of my age and health I am metabolizing what they give me better than some patients!) This morning, Dr. Sundt's entire team came in to visit - Dr. Sundt wearing a bowtie! They discussed the fast heartbeat - a byproduct of surgery that generally goes away within about 6 weeks. I was also offered the chance to participate in a study from a medical device company; a double-blind test that compared how people monitor their warfarin levels better; at home or through their doctors. Fortunately, I got the part of the study that provides me with a home-testing unit, much like the ones that people use for glucose testing for diabetes. That will be GREAT, because it's less of a pain to do that way.
So I need to get through probably one more night here before they 'spring' me, and it will be so, so great to leave....and move on!! Getting close...


Lisa L said...

Deb, congrats! Sounds like you are doing awesome, what an answer to prayer! Can't believe that you have even felt like writing your blog so often. Glad I'm able to read it and keep up. You are in my prayers, hope you get to go home soon and recoop fast!

Love, Lisa (we're in Dallas at my son and daughter-in-law's!) :-)

Chris Valento said...

Wow....can't believe what you have been through. I knew that this was coming, but I didn't know it was happening over break! I am glad that it is over and you can move on and get stronger! But nothing really keeps you down!
Izzy really missed you this week in good to yourself!
Chrissy Valento

Finney said...


I am so glad you are feeling better. Being in the hospital is no fun and you are right about people (nurses, interns, doctors) coming in at all hours and needing someone to keep track of it all. I wish the best for you and am glad you have Patrick by your side. He is a good man. I'll keep reading the blog and when I see that you're at your Mom's house, just let me know if it's all right to stop buy and see in person that you are doing ok.

Love you lots.
