Sunday, January 20, 2008

Itemized Statement of Charges

OK...did you log in your best guess for the bill? Go down a couple of posts before you look at this:

Now, there may be other bills that I don't have yet, but the 9-pager that arrived this week, a mere three days after I left the hospital, was a grand total of (drumroll please....) $60,998.79!!
(I paid $49,500 for our house in 1993....)

A few of the interesting itemizations:
Night in the ICU - $2,935
Actual valve replacement - $19,450
The valve itself - St. Jude's Regent Flex 21m $6,525
Arterial blood gas - $980
Respiratory service resuscitation bag $35
A whole variety of different types of sutures: silk, vicryl, prolene, "ethibond", etc, from $2 to $25
Intermediate care room - $1975 per night
2 D/M/ Mode Echo Extensive $930
tons of drips, drugs...etc....

So who's our winning guesser??


Kris said...

That depends if this is The Price is Right!

Not me, it seems. :) But that's okay, really.

RickB said...

Hey, I was within $5,000!
Glad all is going well, Deb.
