Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Coughing Flasher

Coughing, coughing, coughing....there's still some fluid to get out of my lungs, so it's totally expected. Dr. Langager looked and listed Monday; all sounds well. I continue to use Voldemort to suck air in and help with evaporating what I can't cough away.
In the meantime, I've become an 'bbject d'interest'. People are FASCINATED by my new valve. They want to hear it. They want to see the incision. Don't tell Mom, but I've never been such a flasher before - I will pretty much lift up my shirt for anyone. Pretty much anyone who asks will be invited to lay their ear on my shirt and hear my 'ticking'. It's kind of a community thing, I guess.
Folks are very interested, very solicitatious, and intrigued.

1 comment:

Aidan and Rowan said...

Look out to make sure the crew of "girls gone wild" isn't anywhere nearby!