Saturday, January 12, 2008

Coughing, Coughing, Coughing....

greetings! It's Saturday, one full week since I left the hospital. I am still moving fairly slowly, someone cowed over to the front. I have been 'out' each day, though briefly. I can sleep, albeit sitting up. Coughing is the beastly thing right now. People want to talk, and I can listen; but I can't talk back - I end up choking and coughing like crazy. More work to do to get those lungs cleared out.
I used to use an occasional inhaler for exercise-induced asthma; thought that might help right now but mine expired in 2004. Called up Mayo today and spoke with Dr. Basar; he called in some albuterol to Walgreens. So I'll try that tonight and see if that eases up on the choking a bit.
Amy, bless her, is coming to the Cities tonight with Rowan, planning to go adnd thee the Frida Kahlo exhibit. I am able to hitch a ride home with the two of them (wonder who gets to sit in the baby seat??).
I WILL run out of Oxycodone by tomorroww.....white knuckling it by tomorrow night?

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