Rain, Sweet Rain on a Wounded Body....
I know at least several of you who can emphathize with this feeling...Mark, Allan, Brad - remember in '83 when we were living in Mexico and it rolled around to "dry season"? We couldn't shower, wash clothes, or even barely flush toilets for awhile? I still remember the first shower after that period of grunge (and this was wayyy before grunge was "in", folks!) Sweet water falling down; it was heavenly. I had that experience again today...
It was an early day, with a chest Xray right off the top; then an EKG, and then one of Dr. Sundt's colleagues stopped by to clip and pull out the wires attached to the temporary pacemaker they'd arranged (customary to do this for about 4 days, until they determine your own natural pacemaker is working fine). Another wierd "violin string pulling through flesh" sensation; then it was done. And then -- rain! Best shower I've had in years, even on this wounded new body!
I have been reconfigured a bit, some temporary and the rest permanent. There is a large bump on my breastbone, right below my chin, that "disappears after the incision heals" and "is more prominent on women". From that bump a ragged red line divides my breasts, about 8" in length. Off to the bottom of it are two stitched angry holes, where the plastic tubes were, one on either side about 2" from the incision; and near each of those, another smaller red welt where the pacemaker wires were connected. If an alien were to symnbolically mark a humanoid after doing a body scan, this is probably what it would look like. Tell you what, though - I will have the coolest scar in the sauna.
My neck has bumps, holes and funny skin from the arterial 'hookup' that was located there. I still have EKG buttons on my belly that will continue to monitor me and report to the little machine in my room.
Things are looking fairly positive for a discharge tomorrow. I'm connected to a Heparin drip, as my blood coagulation number is still not in the right range. Hopefully, I'll be easing this wonded body out into the January air soon...
At this point, I'm starting to wonder what my bill lookes like. It is even fathomable? $60,000? More? Insurance, don't fail me now!
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Battle scars baby, consider them badges of honor and courage. I have no other way to describe it than to say I am proud of you. It has been amazing to watch you on this "journey of the heart". You've come so far...I remember when you were scared and weepy years ago just bringing it up. When you called last week to tell me it was actually happening you were so full of grace and acceptance. You will be so relieved to have it done and not be wondering when...when..when. Every new year you will have an extra reason to celebrate your life. You're gonna put a lot of miles on that valve...I wonder if it knew what it was getting into! Kudos and cheers to you and the Fitzes will all be praying for a speedy discharge tomorrow!
NOW we know why you haven't been at work! C'mon! Is work really that bad?!?
When will you be back at work?
Thanks, Mamer! I am good for another 500,000 miles....Love you!
Hey, one of my first goals in getting back to town is to EAT at the Boathouse! I won't be able to lift more than 5 pounds for quite awhile, so you'll likly be able to count on me in a few months!
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