Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Three Weeks with a New Valve! and ticking!

Well, it's been three weeks (yesterday) since my valve replacement surgery!
The incision is nearly healed. The whole top part is sealed over; there's still some scabby stuff on the lower few inches. It's a bit itchy, which tells me it is healing well. I hope the two 'X's where the drainage tubes were stay - it's kind of cool to have "X's"
I still have a little deep barky cough. The Rehab lady said there's a little bit of liquid in my left lung, and to keep using Voldemort for breathing exercises. It does get better every day. I kind of have two layers of breath; a normal one, and a 'deep' one for yawning and coughing which goes down into a bigger range. I am scared to death to sneeze! and have surpressed a sneeze more than once..one of these days it's going to catch me, though!
Xena really seems to love my 'ticking'. She will lay as close to my chest as she can and just purr. Pat wonders if she thinks I am purring? I can't usually hear the tick, but sometimes I am aware of it. It's not unpleasant at all - I was worried at first that it would drive me crazy, like an Edgar Allen Poe story... But its really just a little pleasant click.
My skin looks oddly good...wondering if the improved blood flow is making an impact?
Trying to get out at least once a day....
Will keep you posted!

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